
SPSC7002: Introduction to Space Weather

Graduate course, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Hong Kong, 2020

Geophysics studies the physics of the entire planet Earth. Geophysicists study about everything that means the Earth’s atmosphere (low, middle and high), ionosphere, thermosphere, near- Earth space environment, oceans, cryosphere (glaciers) as well as the solid Earth (crust, mantle, outer and inner core) and it’s thermal evolution. Modern Geophysics is also concerned with Earth’s interactions with the Moon and Sun.

EASC3408: Geophysics

Undergraduate course, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Hong Kong, 2020

Geophysics studies the physics of the entire planet Earth. Geophysicists study about everything that means the Earth’s atmosphere (low, middle and high), ionosphere, thermosphere, near- Earth space environment, oceans, cryosphere (glaciers) as well as the solid Earth (crust, mantle, outer and inner core) and it’s thermal evolution. Modern Geophysics is also concerned with Earth’s interactions with the Moon and Sun.

EASC2410: Data Analysis and Modeling for Earth Sciences

Undergraduate course, Department of Earth Sciences, the University of Hong Kong, 2020

Computer-based analysis are essential to modern Earth Sciences. We use computer programs to compile and analyze data, to prepare illustrations like maps or data plots, to develop numerical simulations for complex Earth systems, to write manuscripts for journal publications and so on. In this course, you will learn basic computer programming skills with special applications useful to data analysis within the broad field of Earth Sciences. You will learn Python, a very powerful, general-purposed, object-oriented programming language (it is free).